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The Gauntlet: Arctic


The Gauntlet: Arctic is the first installment of a series of planned maps for the GAUNTLET game mode, designed by the authors of the Nam Humanum campaign.

The Gauntlet is a virtual arena where IAF Marines train, decompress and compete against other squads for higher scores, all under the knowing eye of the Gauntlet Master.

Voiced by Matthew Simmons in all its snark and playfulness, the Gauntlet Master serves as the announcer for this game mode. His role is to sharpen IAF soldiers into combat-ready Marines, and so will repeatedly rain hell upon them in the form of enhanced Swarm waves composed of tougher variants.

Inside the Gauntlet, players have but one objective: survive. Though the flow of enemies is persistent, their saving grace lies in the ammunition & equipment stations that will periodically activate on each end of the map at the goodwill of the Master.

The scenario will only end with the squad’s demise at the hand of the Swarm. Play as a team, watch each other’s back, and fight well.

Good luck, Marines.